Escape, paradise, romance — when we dream up our perfect, romantic summer getaway, there’s not much else we could wish for. Who wouldn’t want to spend their days relaxing with the one they love, experiencing something new, sampling delicious food and soaking up the sun? It takes a bit of effort, finding your tickets, lodging and food, but after all that work you deserve to have an experience that means something to you. While each vacation will vary from couple-to-couple, there are things everyone can do to make their trip truly special.
Not sure where to start? Follow the tips below!

Time to relax
A romantic vacation is all about taking time away from our busy lives to rest and recharge. But, for many of us, the day-to-day thoughts of work, family and bills can creep up out of nowhere. Or maybe you’re so dedicated to making your getaway perfect that you can’t even find an opportunity to enjoy it. Whatever the reason for your stress, a vacation will never be special if you can’t enjoy it!
To start, take a deep breath. Understand that, no matter how hard we try, vacations will always have bumps in the road. Delayed flights, overbooked reservations and sun burns are all going to happen. Accepting these trials as they come is the key to finding a way to enjoy the rest of your time together.
Next, it’s important to remember to be present. There are tons of different ways to turn off the parts of our brains that worry. Breathing exercises, journaling and silencing or turning off your electronics are some of the most common, but make sure to do your own research to find out what practices work for you. These exercises can also help lower stress in our day-to-day, so you may consider taking them up permanently.
Get pampered
Speaking of relaxing, why not take a whole day to get pampered with your partner? Even if a spa day is something you’ve never tried, there’s no better time to experiment with the world of self-care. Full body massages, facials and mani-pedis are all relaxing shared experiences that can prime your brain for the rest of the vacation. Or maybe you’d prefer to end your trip on a relaxing note. There are good reasons to start and/or end your trip with a spa day, so consider how you’ll get the most out of your relaxation before you schedule.

Take lots of photos
We all know that our phones can be a distraction that we sometimes need to put away, especially while on vacation. It’s important to separate ourselves from the “real world” and enjoy the time we have with the people we love. But if our phones are good at one thing, it’s creating memories. So, if you’re going to take your phone with you, make sure to take lots of pictures. It might be good to even dedicate a whole day just to taking pictures, not just for social media (even though we know you’ll use some of them for that) but also for yourself. If you aren’t sure if you should snap a photo, think: “Take, Save, Share.” You’ll want to TAKE pictures that will make you smile, SAVE pictures that will “remind you of a time when …” and SHARE pictures that will make you want to do it all again!

Be a little extra
If there’s ever a time for extravagance, it’s a romantic getaway. Going the extra mile on vacation is a great way to show your partner what they mean to you, so take a little bit of time before the trip to map out a plan. If you aren’t feeling confident, use the list below as inspiration. Just remember, you know your partner better than anyone — you got this!
- Flowers are classic but can be hard to source if you don’t know the area. If you’re staying in a hotel, reception will have your back. Ask them for recommendations for local florists, they may even be able to place an order on your behalf.
- Scentsy Fragrance Flowers can be a great way to get fantastic fragrance for someone who might not be interested in regular flowers. Fragrance Flower oil containers are compliant with the TSA’s liquid guidelines, so feel free to pick one up before you fly.
- Making a reservation at a restaurant can come with a price tag, but it can be a great way to show some initiative this summer. Call ahead and ask about candles or flowers for the table and check to see if they have any special packages for couples.
- A picnic at sunrise or sunset can be a low-cost option for those looking for a romantic experience. Candles or flowers might not be the best for this setting, but a Scentsy Go or Travel Twist can provide exciting fragrance while on an adventure. Top off the occasion with a beachside campfire featuring s’mores and a cozy blanket. Now that’s a memory you’ll never forget!
- Chocolates or other sweet treats are always an option for a simple I love you. A whole box on the pillow will do, but you can always hide small treats in places they’ll find throughout your trip. Just be sure they don’t melt in your pocket first.

Heading home
Returning to the day-to-day after experiencing bliss can be a struggle for all of us, but finding a way to bring that bliss with you can lighten the load. Maybe you arranged for a printed photo from the trip as a last-minute gift, or you remembered the souvenir they liked and sneakily bought it for them. If you’re strapped for cash, a photo collage can be a cost-free way to show them how much you treasure your time together. The trip home will be bitter, but the little things can be what makes it bittersweet.
Now that you’re back home, don’t let these tips go to waste. Implementing little expressions of love into your daily lives will make every day feel like a getaway. And when you start planning your next trip, we’ll be right here!
Which of these tips do you like most? Are there any tips you have for partners going on a romantic getaway? Leave a comment and let us know!