Scentsy Pods are a fantastic way to experience your favorite Scentsy fragrances. When used with our Scentsy Air products, these Pods provide up to 120 hours of fragrance — and they come in packs of two! With each Scentsy Pod lasting so long, it’s easy to grow a sizable collection of your favorite scents. Here’s everything you need to know about Scentsy Pods, and how to best store all your Scentsy Pods. (Check out the video at the end for tips on storing all your Scentsy products.)
Keep Scentsy Pods cool, dark and dry
The magic behind Scentsy Pods lies in their spill-proof fragrance beads, which are activated by heat and airflow. The last thing you want is your Pods to start releasing their fragrance early, before you have a chance to intentionally enjoy them! Keep the Pods in a cool, dark and dry place like a closet, drawer or cabinet to help them stay fresh and ready to use! You can also repurpose old Whiff Box packages to organize your Pods.
… but not that cool
The freezer is dark and cool, but it’s not the place for Scentsy Pods. The extreme cold can negatively affect the quality of the fragrance beads inside each Pod. Also, the cycling freezer air may prematurely activate your Pod, causing it to give off fragrance before you pop it in a Scentsy Air system.

First in, first out
As with all things, time will eventually take its toll on Pods, so keep your collection fresh by rotating your Pods. Using the Scentsy Pods you’ve had the longest before dipping into a new batch will optimize fragrance quality in the long run.
To help you keep track of your Pod rotation, try using a marker or stickers to note which Pods you’ve opened and when. A small sticky note can also help you mark your favorite fragrances and which fragrance you prefer in each room.
Basically, keep Scentsy Pods with your Scentsy Bars!
If these tips look familiar to you, you’re right! This is the same advice we give on how to store Scentsy Bars. Turns out the secret to preserving great fragrance is just having enough drawer space. So if you already have a Scentsy Bar collection, feel free to store your Scentsy Pods alongside them!
For more great tips, check out our video on how to store Scentsy products:
What Scentsy Pod fragrance do you always keep on hand? Let us know in the comments!
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