Be honest: How many years in a row have you set the exact same resolution on New Year’s Day – get fit, save money, save the whales – only to give up by February or March?
You’re not alone! In fact, about 80% of resolutions are abandoned by February.
It’s really no surprise. Most of us completely ignore life’s reasonable limits during the last two months of the year, indulging in more food, more drink, more shopping, more partying and less sleep – all in the name of the holidays. Then, on Jan. 1, we decide to put a hard stop on all that excess and push ourselves to reach the complete other end of the spectrum overnight – which feels more like lack than a normal, healthy lifestyle.
This year, instead of setting an unreasonable or vague resolution to be better in 2020, consider these tips for coming up with something unique – and sticking with it:
Be thoughtful
If your resolution feels more like an obligation or habit than a true goal, reconsider it. More than half of all resolutions are to lose weight (no surprise, after all that holiday indulgence), but a goal needs to be much more personal to stick. So, don’t just proclaim a resolution, consider why you’re making it a goal. (Hint: Your why is the real goal, and the thing that keeps you going.)
Be specific
It might feel good in the moment to make a broad, sweeping declaration like “I’m going to save more money in 2020!” But it doesn’t mean anything unless you break it down into achievable, actionable steps and add a real timeframe. Here are a few common resolutions, and the much more specific goals you could set (and actually accomplish!) instead:
Resolution #1: Lose weight
Try these instead:
- Exercise for 30 minutes each day, five days per week for 30 days.
- To help you with your exercise, you could always look at getting a Fitbit as well, to help motivate you to keep going.
- Find a local 5K, 10K or half-marathon taking place in the spring, then make a plan to finish it.
- Download a food journal app to track your diet, exercise and weight loss goals, and use it every day for 30 days.
- Cut processed sugar out of your diet for 30 days.
- Drink 64 ounces of water per day for 30 days.
Add the end of 30 days, choose another goal from the list and rotate all year long!

Resolution #2: Save money
Try these instead:
- Step 1: Choose an amount you can swing, then set up an automatic payment to your savings account on payday. Step 2: Immediately forget about it.
- Focus on eliminating debt. Start with the smallest payment first, then work your way up. Interest is a killer!
- Look for opportunities to make a little extra money each month, like a home-based business or side hustle.
- Pack your lunch four days a week instead of eating out, then stash the difference in an emergency fund.
- Eat dinner at home at least five nights per week. Save time and money by pre-making healthy freezer meals.
- Make a budget and stick with it for three months. At the end of the quarter, reevaluate and reset for the next three months.
Resolution #3: Volunteer more
Try these instead:
- Choose a local organization you care about, then ask how you can help out one Saturday per month.
- Look for opportunities to serve in small but significant ways, like setting up a meal train for a family in need or busy with a new baby. Do this once per month.
- Ask your church if they need help in the nursery or welcoming guests on Sundays.
- Go to volunteer.gov, select your state and dedicate one day per month to serve a different local cause.
- Bake yummy treats once a month for your hometown heroes – just rotate deliveries to your local fire stations, police stations and hospitals.
Resolution #4: Spend more time with family
Try these instead:
- Designate a weekly family night, and everyone has to be there! Order pizza, play a board game, then snuggle up on the couch together for a movie. No phones or tablets allowed!
- Double down on another worthy resolution and designate one day per month as volunteer day. Look for local opportunities for the whole family to serve together.
- Have dinner together at home at least three times per week. If your schedule is so packed that it’s not possible, consider simplifying your schedule in 2020.
- Add a weekly or monthly date night (or date day) to the calendar, so you never miss spending time with your favorite person.
Be accountable
If you buddy up on a resolution, both your chances of success skyrocket! Find a friend who wants to set a goal alongside you and keep each other accountable. You don’t even have to set the same goal – just set up daily or weekly check-ins to talk through obstacles and celebrate wins along the way. You can also set up daily or weekly reminders on your phone, with an alarm, to keep your resolution in mind.

Here’s to an amazing year!
Remember: Every day won’t be perfect or easy, you will misstep and sometimes completely fall down, but that doesn’t mean you have to quit! Take your resolution one day at a time, but consider it big picture. This is about being better, healthier, more motivated, more loving or more generous in 2020 – not reaching perfection overnight.
If you’re looking for more of the good stuff in 2020 – extra income, travel, a renewed sense of purpose, an incredibly supportive community – reach out to your Scentsy Consultant to learn more about joining their team. Don’t have a Consultant? Find one (and learn more) at scentsy.com.
What are your best tips for sticking with the goals you set? Share them in comments.