Mom: She changes the sheets, makes the beds, does the laundry (AND the ironing!), cleans the house, does the shopping (AND the cooking!), pays the bills, signs report cards, bandages boo-boos, tames tantrums, reads stories, loves and cuddles, chauffeurs the kids to school, to ballet, to swimming lessons, to doctor’s appointments … and we only give her ONE day a year to thank her properly for all she does!
Yes, every mom would LOVE a day at the spa or a housekeeper or a personal chef. But if that’s out of your budget, you can still make her feel like the rock star she is with some simple, DIY-pampering — all day long.
Serve her breakfast in bed
It’s a classic. Even small kids can help measure and mix pancakes, or help you butter toast. Make her favorite beverage, cut up some fresh fruit, close the door and keep the kids out of the way so she can catch up on her favorite TV shows. And don’t forget to clean up the kitchen! The magic is lost if she has to deal with your mess! Scentsy Clean Counter Clean makes quick work of kitchen messes — and smells great, too!
Send her on a day date!
Ask any mom what she REALLY wants. If she’s being honest, she’ll say it’s quality time — alone. Uninterrupted. With a book (or a gossip mag). Buy her a gift card so she can take herself to lunch, grab a cup of coffee or watch a movie that’s NOT a cartoon. And while she’s out …
Clean the house
Do the chores so all she has to do when she comes home is relax. While you’re cleaning, wash a few loads of laundry using Scentsy Laundry in her favorite fragrance. And by loads, we mean the full cycle. (It’s not really helpful if you leave wet clothes in the washer or dryer for her to finish).
Put her feet up
Choose a soothing fragrance and set up a warmer or essential oil diffuser in the bathroom, make her a snack, draw a bath, and set out a Scentsy Bath Bomb or a cup or two of new Scentsy Soak and just let her relax.
If you’re a mom, feel free to forward this on to your S.O. or older kids, and make sure they treat you right on May 13!
Contact your Scentsy Consultant to order any of the products mentioned in this blog. Don’t have a Scentsy Consultant? Find one here.