We’re approaching the annual celebration of new beginnings, fresh starts and new habits. This year, resolve to strive toward practices you’ll keep up with that make you feel good about yourself. Goals — or intentions — are worth reaching for, and dreams are achievable. Here’s a guide to move forward into the new year.
Choose well
When selecting a personal intention (or several), start with your values. What really matters to you? What do you truly care about? Now, focus on the positive. Rather than resolving to not do something, plan to take constructive action. Make the outcome clear, achievable and repeatable, and choose something you can break down into bite-sized bits. It’s so much easier to stay on track when you can see success.
Workplace intentions to bring career success
You’re ambitious. You want to grow on a personal and professional level. Set your intention to do just that. But how do you know what will bring the results? Realign your thinking. Take a fresh, critical look at your current circumstances. Look for habits or patterns that are going to keep you in the same place. For example, if you struggle to be on time, set your intention to be early. And then plan to adjust your bedtime routine so you are well rested and can better serve your career, yourself and your family. Set your intention to learn a new skill or create new connections every month. Start following one or more experts on social media or blogs. Every positive step will lead to another.
Self-care intentions to bring self-actualization
So many people resolve to get physically fit as part of a New Year’s resolution, and then set themselves up to fail with unrealistic expectations like going to the gym for an hour every day or forgoing all sugar and white flour for eternity. Then, life gets in the way (as it always does) and we feel defeated. Instead, set your intention to be more physically active. Can you squeeze in a 15-minute walk or yoga video? That’s a small success that will lead to another. If better mental health is your focus, plan to make yourself a priority and you’ll find daily moments to look after yourself, sans guilt.
Relationship intentions to bring peace
When things are harmonious on the home, family and friendship front, life is better. That is not to say there is never conflict (let’s be real), but we can set our intention to improve our personal relationships. Plan to be more authentic with everyone in your life. Use constructive and caring internal words when thinking about someone. Strive to create small moments that are positive. Give others grace, or the benefit of the doubt. You might be surprised how quickly your attitude impacts others.
Give yourself a break
Remember, we are all human beings. We are imperfect by nature. So, if you miss three minutes of your weekly organization because your children got sick or the car needed an oil change, that’s fine. You have compassion and patience for everyone else. Give that same level of compassion and understanding to yourself. Every day is a fresh start to embrace your intentions.

What intentions are you considering for the next year? Inspire someone else by sharing them in the comments!