Natural fragrances are all the rage these days, but when we launched our line of 100% Natural and Essential Oils in 2015, there were very few pioneers exploring Natural and Essential Oils for home fragrance. We saw a tremendous opportunity…
DIY Christmas ornaments that capture holiday memories
Does it feel like you’re dashing through the holidays far too quickly? Forget a one-horse open sleigh — this sleigh has at least 10 horses galloping at the speed of light! Instead of letting the most wonderful time of the…
Bake happiness with a pumpkin holiday swirl (aka Swiss roll) from Scentsy
There’s so much rolled into holiday celebrations: family, friends, gifts and food. Oh, the food. Sure, there are traditional treats like pies and iced cookies. But maybe the Scentsy kitchen’s twist on a classic Swiss roll — our pumpkin holiday…
Perfect last-minute stocking stuffers from Scentsy
There’s more to stuffing Christmas stockings than oranges, pencils and candy (or lumps of coal if you’re naughty). Make the holidays bright and special by adding big fragrance in small packages. Travel, Body, Plush and home fragrance stocking-sized products create…
Color a bright holiday with Scentsy
Sprinkle a little extra magic on your seasonal celebrations with Scentsy’s holiday coloring sheets. Our free, downloadable coloring sheets are a holiday tradition. They’re a hit with kids and adults who want to tickle a creative fancy (and they keep…
Four tips to winterize your home
Which one are you — do you celebrate the cold weather or look for ways to escape? When it’s time to winterize, it’s perfectly natural to feel overwhelmed whether you love or loathe it. Preparing for hibernation season doesn’t have…