It’s the spookiest time of year
At Scentsy, we love all things Halloween: the costumes, the decorations, the fun and, yes — the sweets! Of course, things are bound to feel a little different this year. After all, there are more than ghosts and goblins to look out for! Despite these extra considerations, a few tricks can make this Halloween a real treat.
Stay informed
First, stay up to date on the latest health guidelines and advisories in your area. If you live in the U.S., be sure to check the website of your state’s Department of Heath for the latest official information. Keeping an eye on local news sources is also a good idea so you can make an informed decision about your Halloween plans!

Make a cloth mask part of your costume
If your kids are dressing up, or you’re planning your own costume, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends making a cloth mask part of the ensemble. Maybe that means dressing up as a character that already wears one of these face covers, such as a surgeon from your favorite medical drama. Alternatively, the mask can add a modern twist to a classic icon — what color face mask would the Wicked Witch wear if she were flying around on her broom today? You can even pull off a vampire or werewolf costume without the fangs! Remember: Don’t wear a decorative Halloween mask over your cloth one — the CDC warns this can make it hard to breathe.
Consider alternatives to trick-or-treating
If you’re concerned about crowded sidewalks and doorsteps this Halloween, know that in many areas there are alternative events being organized. Socially distant “trunk or treat” events, where available, can be a great substitute for the usual door-knocking tradition. Other activities, such as hiding candy for your kids throughout the house or just settling in for a spooky movie night can also make for a great time! If you do venture out to trick or treat, try to keep 6 feet apart from people who aren’t in your household. If you’re passing out candy, the CDC recommends doing so outdoors. In either case, wash your hands frequently, especially before enjoying your sweets!

Have fun
For all the spooky costumes and unsettling decorations, Oct. 31 is really all about having fun. It’s a time where we can all embrace our inner kid, whether we get in costume, binge movies or just enjoy a few of our favorite candy bars. No matter how you chose to spend the holiday, don’t be afraid to teat yourself to these simple joys.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!