Spilled wax on your carpet? It happens to the best of us! Luckily, all is not lost. With these wax cleanup methods and a few simple supplies, there’s no need to throw out your favorite rug or rip up carpet….
Planning the perfect summer picnic
A picnic is one of the simplest summer activities, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. With summer in full swing, here are some tips to help you elevate your picnic and make it memorable. Plus, we’ll toss…
Capture summer memories with digital scrapbooking
Summer is, by nature, fleeting. Despite the long hours of sunlight, each busy day passes quickly. This season, capture the precious, fun-filled memories so you never forget them — not just by taking pictures, but by memorializing moments in a…
Little moments to make
summertime awesome
It’s time to soak up all the rays and all the joy the sunniest season has to offer. We can get so swept up with the ideal of summer as a time for grand camping adventures, epic road trips and…
Mid-year checkup: Uplift your spirits, cultivate hope, belief and life energy
We started this year with intentions to improve our inner selves, our relationships, our businesses, our bodies. Most people start the new year off strong, ticking off accomplishments and successfully reaching milestones. But it seems like only the most self-disciplined…
Celebrate Scentsy’s 19 years of incredible fragrance and warm hearts!
Very near one of the busiest intersections in Idaho, 73 lush, magical acres have a bustle of a different sort. Skilled artisans design home décor, fragrance experts create and pour bars of aromatic wax, and logistic wizards pack and ship…