The Scentsy Brick Story
Back in 2006, we released our hand-poured, limited-edition Scentsy Bricks for the first time. Five-times the size of regular Scentsy Bars, these massive blocks of scented wax were introduced during the holidays to let Scentsy fans enjoy festive fragrances all season long! Over the past 15 years, Scentsy Bricks have appeared at different times of year, but our Seasonal Bricks remain a fan-favorite holiday tradition.
With so much to love, why aren’t Scentsy Bricks available year-round? Well, the process for making these gigantic wax products is completely different than the process for making our Scentsy Bars. Regular Scentsy bars are produced by custom, high-speed machines. Scentsy Bricks are poured almost entirely by hand by an enthusiastic and experienced group of employees.

“It’s almost the same process we used to create Bars before we got our first two automated machines in 2009,” , Scentsy Manufacturing Manager Verl Stringam said. “Many of the employees who hand-pour the Bricks were around back then, so it brings back memories for them.”
So how do they make Scentsy Bricks? Verl gave us a behind-the-scenes tour:

First, our high-quality, paraffin wax is transported to Scentsy by rail. The wax is melted and unloaded from the railcars and transported via a network of pipes to enormous holding tanks, each of which holds about 200,000 pounds of wax. Once in a liquid state, the temperature of the wax is maintained at 145 degrees 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so it can circulate throughout the manufacturing facility.
The pipes transport the wax to a mezzanine level, where workers combine it with fragrance and dye in stainless steel tanks. A sample from each tank is compared with a master sample to ensure the fragrance and color are consistent. The master samples are updated every two weeks to ensure the fragrance and color remain fresh. Once a supervisor has approved a batch, the liquid wax is transferred to the fill station.
Employees fill the clamshells using aluminum pitchers – just like the ones Co-Owners Heidi and Orville Thompson used in Scentsy’s early days! Paper towels taped on the pitchers help catch drips and keep the packaging clean.
“Most of the employees pouring Bricks have done it before. It’s a very physical process, and your shoulders can get really tired from holding and pouring that heavy pitcher,” Verl said.
Next, the Scentsy Bricks are cooled on racks for 45-60 minutes. Allowing so much wax to cool thoroughly is a big challenge.
“Because of how the wax is stored, the heat can melt other Bricks, causing pitting or uneven Bricks,” Verl said.
Cooling Bricks are then transferred to smaller racks where they cool for an additional 30-45 minutes.
Three or four employees visually inspect the cooled wax and ensure the packaging is clean and drip-free. Then the clamshells are closed, labels are applied and the Bricks are sent off to the warehouse until they’re sold.
“On a good day – with experienced people – we can make 4,000 to 5,000 Bricks per shift,” Verl said.

You can enjoy handcrafted, limited-edition Seasonal Bricks in five classic holiday fragrances this season: Fluffy Fleece, Pink Poinsettia, Spiced Eggnog, Sweet Orange Pomander and Vanilla Cinnamon Maple. This collection is only available while supplies last, so contact your Consultant and order today!
Want to see how Seasonal Bricks are made? Check out this video!
Rhonda valjean says
I thinknthis is an amazing story and congradulatenthem all for the hard work
Melinda Holman says
wished that big brick come back again. it is so interest to watch how you all makes them.
Cynthia Boyer says
How does one go about getting a job at the main plant where the wax packs are made
Scentsy says
Hi Cynthia, here’s a direct link to our “Careers” portion of!