April showers bring May flowers, but they can also put a damper on your outdoor plans. Need to fill your rainy day with something fun? Here are some go-to rainy day activities!
Stay cozy at home
Replace your night on the town with a cozy day at home. You might try your hand at a new recipe. Sort through your closets and find items to donate. Watch some crafting tutorials and try knitting, crocheting, weaving, quilling, sewing — the list goes on! Or print out some coloring pages and turn on your favorite tunes. You could video call a close friend or write a letter to a family member. Or for maximum coziness, nestle into a pile of blankets with your favorite hot drink and have a movie night.
Go out (but stay dry)
If you’re still itching to get out of the house, see what indoor events your town has to offer. Explore local museums or nearby historical sites. Catch a movie with friends (and enjoy that movie theater popcorn). See if your gym offers fun group classes like kickboxing. Visit a new coffee shop or restaurant with good reviews — it’s a great way to support small businesses!
If your rainstorm is more “scattered showers” and less “monsoon season,” don your rainboots, find a cute umbrella and go for a drizzly stroll. Bonus points if you jump in a puddle!
Save the date!
Maybe your romantic picnic got rained out, but there’s no reason to cancel your date night. Go to a library or bookstore and pick out books for each other. See if a local art studio offers classes. Take the time to plan your dream vacay or weekend getaway. Or, make it a double date and invite some friends to a potluck game night.
Instead of looking at your rainy day as a drag, savor the opportunity to settle in and get cozy. Add to the indoor ambiance with your favorite fragrance in a Scentsy Warmer. The Summer Rain Warmer exudes perfect rainy-day vibes, especially when you listen to the patter of raindrops and embrace the opportunity for relaxation. And look forward to next weekend — the sun will come out tomorrow!