Maybe you’re one of those inspiration-hungry folks who keeps your favorite mantras, goals and quotes on sticky notes all over the walls and bathroom mirror. Maybe you read every motivational book on the shelf and share the best with everyone you meet. Or maybe you haven’t really “bought in” to self-help, or otherwise consider it a total waste of your time.
Let’s find a common baseline: Self-improvement isn’t all CrossFit and catchphrases, gurus and vision boards. It simply requires an honest look at the person you are and an honest understanding of who you want to be — self-improvement fills the gap between the two.
There are so many small changes we can make to better ourselves, if we’re only willing to try. Here are a few that require very little effort or planning, and just a bit of action:
Want to be more productive? Make your bed.
It’s a small daily change that takes all of 90 seconds, but it does wonders for setting the tone of your whole day. Kick off the morning with an accomplishment, no matter how small. It’s like giving yourself a go-get-’em pat on the back as you take on the day. From there, motivation builds.

Want to be more kind? Smile, even when they don’t deserve it.
Most of us treat kindness as conditional. “If they’re nice to me, I’ll return that kindness. But if they’re not? Forget about it.”
What if, no matter what, you choose to be gracious and kind — instead of giving someone what they “deserve”? Extreme situations aside, there aren’t many instances in life where we gain anything by being less than nice. Yes, even when you’re cut off in traffic. Or when the guy in front of you at the coffee shop endlessly hems and haws over what to order, no matter how long the line gets. Resolve to share kindness, no matter what.

Want to have more energy? Drink water all day.
Have you noticed that when you’re hitting the gym a lot, you also want to eat healthy foods? Or that when you’re eating right, you want to bolster that effort by working out? When we pursue self-improvement, even in a small way, it can have a much bigger impact when it spills over into other areas in our lives. So, start small rather than not starting at all! There’s nothing easier than drinking more water. Try it! Set a daily water goal, then see how that small dedication to wellness spills over.

Want to invest in YOU? Consider this.
The most powerful way to influence change in your own life — for better or worse — is by surrounding yourself with people. Good people, bad people and every kind of person in between. When you join the Scentsy community, there’s a real opportunity to target that first group. The group full of encouragers, supporters, friends and allies. The type of people who make you better. Who challenge and excite you. Who drive you to do more and be more than you thought you could ever do or be.
If you’d like to explore a new way to change your life for the better and improve yourself, reach out to your Scentsy Consultant. Whether you love our products and want to make a bit of extra money sharing them with others, or you’re looking for a strong community to join, reach out! You are welcome here, just as you are.

Don’t have a Consultant? Find one at scentsy.com.