We’re in the height of summer, and that means barbecues, road trips, pool parties, house projects, camping, waterskiing, weddings, beach excursions, picnics at the park, family reunions — and so much more. Your to-do list is endless, and even with the longer daylight hours, there’s simply not enough minutes in the world to do everything you want to do!
Slow down. Breathe. We’ll let you in on a secret: Summer isn’t about completing your entire bucket list. That would be a tad overwhelming. Instead of checking items off the list, focus on making memories.

Embrace your inner child
Not sure how to plan a memorable summer? Here’s a good starting place: Think back to your favorite childhood summer memories. What do they include? Trips to the beach or the museum? Visiting a theme park or a petting zoo? Put all these memories together, select the one that stands out the most, and build your simplified summer plans around it!
Deliberately prepare for your adventure by reading travel blogs about your destination and mindfully planning your packing list. If you’re going somewhere that requires a lot of walking — like a national park or a big city, perhaps — break in your shoes with some preparatory strolls. Anticipation is half the fun!

Budget downtime
Good things can happen when you’re doing nothing at all. Remember those impromptu conversations on a friend’s front porch? Or when you went for an aimless walk and discovered something beautiful? Set aside a bit of time in your busy summer schedule to relax with family or friends (or just wind down by yourself) and let life unfold. Turn off your electronics and go for a walk. Grab some bubble solution from the store (or make your own bubble solution) and play with the kiddos in the backyard. Take a break with a book or magazine. Catch up with a friend over the phone. Aim to experience the little moments of life to the fullest.

Stop and smell the Scentsy
“Stop and smell the roses.” How many times have you heard that one? There’s more to this expression than meets the nose. Not only can slowing down create memories, but adding fragrance to the mix can make those memories magical! Whether you’re stopping to smell roses or a delicious apple pie, your scent memory will help you recall the moment in the future.
Scent your summer setting — whether it’s your home, car or suitcase — with the best summer fragrances so you can capture those summer memories! Explore new fragrances in the catalog or go with an old standby (especially if you use the Always Get My Bar perk with Scentsy Club).
What’s your favorite summer memory? What memories will you make this summer? Let us know in the comments!