April showers bring May flowers, but they can also put a damper on your outdoor plans. Need to fill your rainy day with something fun? Here are some go-to rainy day activities! Stay cozy at home Replace your night on…
Spoil your pets for National Pet Month
It’s National Pet Month and April 11 is National Pet Day. It’s the best day of the best month for all our furry little friends! Dogs, cats, and lizards, whatever size or shape they are, make sure to give them…
Expert tips for your Easter décor
Easter is just days away, and if your family is bouncing off the walls in anticipation of treats from the Easter bunny, let that energy inspire your home décor! This month is all about color, new growth and Mother Nature’s…
Every Scentsy fragrance is a poem
Words have the power to move us, to evoke emotion, summon memories, inspire and entertain. Of course, fragrance has the same effect. It’s fitting during National Poetry Month that we unite Scentsy’s love of fragrance with our fondness for the…
Hack your spring cleaning with these tips
By the end of March, most of us are ready for springtime sunshine, green grass and birdsong floating through open windows. But sometimes winter is slow to thaw, leaving us trapped indoors, itching for fresh air. What better way to…
Secrets to stylish home décor that can survive the kids
“This is why we can’t have nice things.” So many parents have uttered this phrase when grape juice stains an area rug, sippy cups and cereal are scattered across counters and crayon scribbles across walls and doors qualify as fine…