Have you heard? Real men use — and love — scented wax! We have a mighty group of Scentsy men who either run their own businesses or support their spouses as business partners. These guys even started their own Facebook group — The Men of Scentsy — to connect and relate to each other since most Scentsy Consultants are women.
Come as you are
At Scentsy, we welcome anyone who wants to fill their life with fragrance, and for many Consultants, the business is a family affair. So, if you’re a wax-loving guy who wants to learn more about becoming a Consultant, or you’re on the hunt for a Father’s Day gift and want to get something you know he’ll love, ask the experts!
What’s your favorite Scentsy fragrance?
“Oh, boy. I have too many to choose, but it’s a toss-up between Luna and Amazon Rain.” — Adam P.
“My favorite fragrance is Squeeze the Day. I love the clean lemon scent of it. It’s not too feminine, but it doesn’t smell like a cologne either.” — Jared R.
“I love Rum Raisin Cookie. It just reminds me of my mom baking when I was younger.” — Joe L.
“My all-time favorite scent is Maple Apple Bourbon. When it’s warming, it takes me back to my childhood of going to my aunt and uncle’s house. I always loved their house.”— Andrew S.
“My favorite fragrance is Sea Salt & Avocado. There is no scent like it, and it refreshes me every time I smell it.” — Matt L.
“Hard question, but probably Luna! It’s light and perfect in any room or on the go!” — Eric M.
“Simply Black Cherry — I would spread it on toast if I could! It’s such a rich but simplistic scent. Obviously it helps that I LOVE the small of cherries, but it’s so rich and textured.” — Tam S.
“Huckleberry Heaven. It was the first scent we bought, and we still love it.” — Jesse V.
“My (current) favorite fragrance is Star Wars: Light Side of the Force. I’m a huge Star Wars geek, and I’m loving all of the products in that collection! It’s such a nice, clean scent that really makes my home office smell great while I am working.” — Keith H.
What Scentsy product do you use most?
“Most used product would have to be the Mini Fan Diffuser or the Wall Fan Diffuser. My customers have loved it just as much as I have.” — Keith E.
“A better question is which Scentsy product do you not use most! I use my wax warmers daily, I have a Mini Fan Diffuser in my car, Hand Soap and Lotion daily, and Laundry products when we do the laundry.” — Robert O.
“Other than the obvious — wax/warmers — the product I use most is either the Bathroom Cleaner or the Laundry products!” — Jared R.
“I would say we probably use Counter Clean more than just about anything. It cleans everything!” — Joe L.
“The product I use the most is All-Purpose Cleaner in Johnny Appleseed, other than the few warmers I have in every room of my house, haha. But I use it for everything — I even dust with it.” — Andrew S.
“Scentsy Fresh, because it makes my wife think I cleaned while she’s at work!” — Theron K.
“I would say it would be wax and warmers, but also our Counter Clean — I love the instant burst of fragrance you get.” — Joshua S.
“I personally use the Washer Whiffs the most, mainly because it’s nice to put on a fresh set of clothes or crawl into a nice-smelling bed.” — Matt. L.
“We have five warmers in our home and two mini warmers. So, warmers! But also my wall fan/mini fan!” — Eric M.
“I’m a huge fan of the Lavender Cotton Laundry products, so I use them a lot. But ultimately warmers and wax are the most commonly used for me. I’ve had the same amazing warmers in my apartment since I became a Consultant — they’re beautiful and they keep the welcoming feeling to my space that I want when I come home every day.” — Lucas T.
What do you love about Scentsy?
“What I love about Scentsy is the community and family you are immediately adopted into. I have met some of the nicest people on the planet because of Scentsy and have true, genuine relationships with them. Being part of a company where you are the minority can make you feel quite insignificant at first, but you are soon surrounded by positivity and shown that no matter your gender, you belong.” — Robert O.
“I love the community of Scentsy, there’s so much opportunity for growth and so many people that want to see you succeed!” — Jared R.
“My favorite thing about Scentsy is actually two things: the ability to be in a career that fully welcomes and accepts my true, authentic self, all while making an income based upon my work ethic.” — Andrew S.
“The family atmosphere, the constant positive reinforcement and recognition, and a home office and upline with an extreme passion to support Consultants.” — Theron K.
“What is there not to love? You get quality product and a reasonable price. I also love the core values that the company stands behind.” — Hiram T.
“I love that I’m able to work my business whenever or wherever I’m at. I love the amazing Scentsy family and honestly have met some of my best/lifelong friends. I love that the sky is the limit with Scentsy, and everyone is different. No two Consultants are the same, and everyone has their reason for the business. I also love that Scentsy has become well-rounded and more inclusive of male Consultants.” — Keith E.
“My wife became a Director a few months ago and has been selling Scentsy for almost three years. At first, I thought it was a ‘phase’ she was going through. But then I saw that there was potential. I embraced it, and through this we’ve become closer as a couple. So, I love how it has brought the two of us closer and stronger.” — Matt L.

“The supportive team aspect of the entire company, the recognition from my leadership/team, and the products!” — Eric M.
“For me, Scentsy means a freedom to express how I feel about a product that can change lives. After almost five years, myself and my husband still have the same enthusiasm for these products that we ever had.” — Tam S.
“We fell in love with how genuine the owners are. Heidi and Orville are fantastic people and always have our best interest in mind. Home office people are so awesome to be around.” — Jesse V.
“I love that Scentsy cares not only about its customers, but its Consultants, staff and local community. It’s easy to love a company that loves you back. And let’s not forget about the amazing products and scents!” — Keith H.
What has Scentsy meant to you and/or your family?
“Scentsy has been that go-to thing for me. Whenever I’m having a bad day or my emotions are just not where I want them to be, I know I have Scentsy. The love and support that I get from my Scentsy family is beyond amazing. They pick me up when I’m down and they are always my biggest cheerleaders. Never have I ever been so encouraged to work hard for a business. Scentsy has changed my life in so many ways, but the Scentsy spirit is what keeps me going.” — Keith E.
“Before Scentsy, I was afraid to take chances. Now I’ve gone on trips to Scentsy Family Reunion, met new friends that have become like family, and it has helped me financially without having to go out to get yet another job outside of the home. (I already have a full-time and two part-time jobs as a paramedic.)” — Jared R.
“A source of income, as well as opportunities to build memories through Scentsy trips — Disneyland, Caribbean cruise, Cancún!” — Theron K.

“Scentsy has brought me a new family. The bonds that I have made with not only my team, but other Consultants I have met along my journey are priceless.” — Hiram T.
“Scentsy has given me additional income and allowed me to meet some of my bestest friends!!” — Cameron S.
“Scentsy was a lifesaver for me. I became a Consultant shortly after I made the decision to kick my 20-year addiction to alcohol. So, for the last two years, Scentsy has provided me a healthy outlet to focus on. During this journey I’ve learned how important transparency is and how to build authentic relationships with not only my customers, but also with myself. I’ve learned how to be a better and positive person while constantly trying to learn, teach and give more than I take. I never thought this little wax business would have me working on myself mentally and physically in so many positive ways.” — Joshua S.
“My wife and I have become a stronger couple, and my kids get excited when a box of product shows up on our porch. The good vibes are contagious, and I love that my kids are catching it too!” — Matt L.
“I joined at a time when my mental health was at an all-time low. Joining Scentsy and embracing the positive energy has helped me tremendously!!!” — Eric M.
“Scentsy has meant a lot of things to me: a place to belong when I needed it, extra income, a way to help me reconnect with people, excuses to be social even with my busy schedule, and a source of drive and motivation to improve my skills, management and ultimately my life.” — Lucas T.
“[My wife] went to the Fort Worth convention and was in love. She told me that I was going next year. I said I would travel, but not attend. She was not having it, and we both went. Orville gave one of my favorite speeches about the campfire and giving everyone a chance. I became equal partners with my wife that day. We have now been doing this for nine years, going on 10. I can’t imagine not being part of the Scentsy family.” — Jesse V.
“Scentsy has changed a lot for us, but the biggest change is the way we travel. Prior to Scentsy, we’d book a trip and go and explore, and it was always fun. But Scentsy trips are like nothing else. Our first incentive trip was to Disney World and we had a blast. We decided right then and there we would never miss a trip after that. Trips like the Mediterranean cruise only solidify our desire to continue traveling with Scentsy in style. Not to mention the family reunions! We’ve traveled to so many new places with Scentsy, and we can’t wait for the next trip!” — Keith H.
The Men of Scentsy have spoken!
To shop Scentsy gifts for the men in your life, check out our new Father’s Day collection of guy-approved Home, Body and Unplugged products — just reach out to your Scentsy Consultant or visit their website. Don’t have a Consultant, or want to learn more about what it means to join the Scentsy family? Visit scentsy.com.
Click here for Scentsy’s Income Disclosure Statement and average Consultant earnings.