Before someone becomes a Scentsy Consultant, they typically have a few questions about how it works. It would be weird if they didn’t! We answer them all with as much authenticity as we can, but we want every Consultant to join with their eyes wide open. Their chances of success are greater when they know what to expect, and our No. 1 job is to help Consultants succeed.
Most questions are easy to answer, because we hear them all the time:
Yes, loving the products is a great place to start. Yes, we celebrate a lot and Scentsy events can get a bit wild. Yes, sometimes new Consultants join for the discount (but they stay for the love of Scentsy and their newfound community).
Some are harder to answer. But they still need answers. When it comes to all things Scentsy, especially what it means to sell Scentsy products and build a team as an independent business as an independent business owner, our Consultants know best.
So, we rounded up several of our hardest-hitting Scentsy business questions and posed them to our Consultant leaders. Their answers are uncensored and unedited, so let’s get real.*
Why did you decide to join Scentsy instead of another direct selling company?
“I loved the product. After hosting several parties, I knew it was easy to sell.”
“When I joined in 2010 I had no idea what direct sales was, nor had I ever heard of any of that major direct selling companies. I lived in some weird bubble that didn’t realize this was even a thing. When I was introduced to the Scentsy products and then the opportunity I jumped on head first. I was surprised to later find out there were other similar companies.”
“I was drawn to the values of Scentsy and knew I could put my name behind it, too.”
“Simply put: It’s simple. Products come to life when used, and they don’t have a specific demographic that they appeal to. It appeals to almost everyone.”
“When I started, it was a new company and not many people had heard of it yet. But what intrigued me was that Scentsy products were different than anything else out there. I didn’t feel like I would have to talk people out of a product they were already using and talk them into the product I was selling. It was also important to me that I sold a product that was consumable, so I would always have repeat customers.”
“I was actually selling for another direct selling (DS) company and loved how the culture was so different at Scentsy. After a few months, I dropped the other DS company like a bad habit.”
“I was actually with several companies when I joined Scentsy. My idea was to represent everything so my customers had a ‘one-stop shop’. However, I fell in love with what the business stood for and how much busier the orders were. People would flock to Scentsy. It was easy to see what my people liked more, and I was starting to get overwhelmed with keeping track of all the businesses and decided to give it all up except for Scentsy. I felt like I belonged here.”
“It was the first one presented to me and the product was consumable. Everyone seemed to want it.”
“I needed a light bulb, and I wasn’t sure where to get them from.”
“I loved the products. I had no big plans, just fell in love with it and decided to give it a try.”
“Simple concept. I didn’t have to convince someone to workout, dress up, wash their face or cook a meal. Just plug it in. And enjoy.”

I’ve joined other direct selling companies and always fizzle out. Why should I try Scentsy?
“I have too, and I was not successful at all. But Scentsy is different! We are a company based on Simplicity, Generosity and Authenticity. We believe in helping our Consultants find their inner strength and overcome their fears.”
“I have only ever sold fragrance. Fragrance is my passion. I don’t believe you can be passionate about all the things. Let the other things be someone else’s passion; find yours and when you do, it will show.”
“Scentsy is unique. Scentsy is a family where you can feel welcomed and supported and even cheered on not only by your own team, but by so many others. The company values are not only written, but practiced, and that helps us all do better and be better. The compensation plan is generous and really can be life-changing with some effort and time. Scentsy products are top quality, and also consumable, so your customers naturally have to come back to you for more. I love how the products appeal to everyone, no matter their demographic. If they love fragrance, they will love Scentsy!”
“Because you never know if this is the one or not, unless you try.”
“With any business, it takes work and commitment to get started and build momentum. If you’re willing to do the work to build a customer base, you will have repeat customers with Scentsy.”
“You should find your fire and passion and go with your gut. If you decide Scentsy is in the running, we can have you host a party first and if you decide to join, we can flip that party over to you!”
“I never did any other direct sales, so I can’t speak to what they have to offer. But I’m a hard sell. And I’m not easily impressed. And I’m sold 110% on Scentsy’s ethics and values. The numbers speak for themselves, but the heart of the company sings.”
Are home parties still a thing? Do people show up?
“Ninety-nine percent of the time I have successful home parties. I really think it depends on the Host. Does she personally invite her best gals and make it personal and about them and seeing each other and having a good time, or do people feel like they HAVE to buy something? I prefer a good home party over a Facebook party any day! I’ve never felt like I connected or retained customers after a Facebook party.”
“After seven years, my home parties are fewer than in the beginning. But when I have them it’s normally a huge turnout.”
“Yes, when I can get them booked. People hesitate to book them, but there is a huge need to get together and connect in person today like never before. They always love them when they come; you just have to make it sound fun so they don’t write it off!”
“I haven’t had a home party in months, but want to try to get them going again in the fall! I feel it depends on the time of year, and the weather always has an influence.”
“I still do a few home parties. More people like being able to take a basket party around or like the convenience of an online party. People do still show up.”
“People still host parties. However, there are other party options that fit everyone’s lifestyle.”

How do you find people to host parties? I’ve already asked all my family and friends.
“Small, inexpensive vendor events were how I got outside my immediate network to meet and connect with new potential Hosts/team members. Also, ask for referrals.”
“Referrals are key. I reward referrals with fun mail.”
“Ask for referrals! Ask for party Hosts at the current party you’re hosting!”
“Our inner circle won’t sustain our businesses forever, so we have to make meeting new people a priority! Try doing a fundraiser, an event or hosting your own party to meet new people — and then letting them know the benefits of hosting with you!”
“I network the crap out of Facebook and Instagram. More important than posting, I engage, engage, engage.”
“I go after the people who tend to spend $50 or more each time they order.”
“Top 100! You know more people than you think. You just have to be brave enough to ask.”
“Get involved in your community! Meet new people!”

Where do most of your sales come from? Parties, online or other?
“All of the above. It depends on the season.”
“Most of my sales come from me reaching out to my customers. So many times, we are afraid of being a ‘salesperson’ so we don’t say anything. People are busy – it’s OK to shoot them a quick text or email showing them something new or simply asking if they need more products.”
“I like to work smarter, not harder, so I send my customers to my Personal Website very often! I have a good mix of party, online and fundraisers orders.”
“Follow-up and social media posting. But when I have home parties, my sales are higher that month.”
“Consistent clients that order with me, as well as vendor opportunities and pouch parties. I do have several online orders monthly and some Scentsy Club orders, too.”
How much time do you spend on your Scentsy business each week? What are some normal daily tasks
“I spend 14-20 hours a week. I check my Workstation. I check the News tab every day. I check in with my team every day on our group page. I hold trainings. I do one-on-one coaching calls with my team. I spend most of my time in my VIP group getting sales.”
“I spend about two to three hours each day, so around 15 hours a week. Normal daily tasks are split up between building my own business and helping mentor and coach my team. Some tasks include texting/calling/emailing customers, coaching my team individually, updating social media, team recognition activities, making packets for Hosts/new team members/potential team members, recording a YouTube or live video, and lots of other things.”
“About 10 to 15 hours or less a week. I follow up and frontload my calendar.”
“Well, I have big goals! So I put in (added up) roughly 4 hours a day. Reaching out to customers/new people, creating mail, team mail, working with my team, posting to social media …”
“I spend a couple hours a day. Daily tasks are following up with customers, posting on my team page and Facebook VIP page and sharing my Scentsy journey in conversation.”
“This depends on the season, my goals, how much I need to invest into my team at that particular time. It never feels like work because I love what I do.”

I love Scentsy products, but the thought of selling them terrifies me. How do you get past the fear?
“Fear starts at the beginning of something great. If it doesn’t scare you, it is not worth doing. If you love it, your passion for the product will be enough to sell it.”
“I tell my people to take ‘sell’ out of their vocabulary! We are SHARING information and OFFERING a service.”
“You are afraid of selling. So don’t sell, just share. It’s our job to help people pick out products they need within their budget. There isn’t anything scary about that.”
“You share. You share what you use in your home. You share what new items you try out. You share what you think others may love — like you probably already do for free for other brands.”
“I don’t look at it as selling, because we all hate when we go somewhere and are overwhelmed by salespeople. We are just sharing the fragrances — once people smell it, they’re hooked! Scent is a very powerful thing!”
How much money do you really make selling Scentsy?+
“Enough to keep me selling it.”
“It all depends on the time and effort you put into your business.”
“I make enough to help my family not have to live paycheck to paycheck.”
“I make enough to cover some extra credit card bills, make a payment on my student loans or simply have some extra money for ME!”
“Enough that my groom shop is now open only three days a week!”
“I make what I put into it. I am rewarded by hard work. If I don’t work hard, I don’t get the same pay.”
“You make what you put in to it!”
What’s your best elevator pitch for joining your Scentsy team?
“You already love the product, so why not?”
“It varies from person to person to cater to their personal lifestyle and goals/dreams.”
“Do you like to vacation???”
“It doesn’t hurt to try! You never know — Scentsy could change your life!”
“Joining our team gets you connected to a whole group of inspiring people that love to connect and help each other grow.”
“I invite them to ‘be a Consultant for a week,’ which puts them on my team page and they get to experience more than just the sales side of things!”
“The products and company are amazing — you need to be part of this! Let’s do this together.”

We love Scentsy, plain and simple.
This is just a handful of honest, encouraging, real-life answers we received from our Consultants. Scentsy Consultants are supportive, generous and authentic. Our community is strong and utterly unique.
If you want to learn more about joining Scentsy, reach out to your Scentsy Consultant. If you don’t have a Consultant, find one near you at scentsy.com.
Part 2: More answers to your questions, coming soon.
We had so many amazing responses from Consultants that we ran out of space! To find the answers to more Scentsy questions, like:
- What should I say to my friend who think Scentsy is a pyramid scheme?
- Do real people actually earn Scentsy incentive trips, or are they out of reach for the average Consultants?
- How do you keep yourself from spending your entire commission on Scentsy Bars?
- My spouse thinks joining Scentsy is a waste of time. How do I convince them it’s worth the investment?
- Is Scentsy a hobby or a business to you? Why?
- How do you find time to sell Scentsy on top of life and everything else?
Stay tuned!

*Minor edits were made for style, punctuation or grammar, but did not change the meaning or intent of the Consultants’ responses.
+Consultants earn 20% on the first 1,000 first points in Personal Retail Volume (PRV) and 25% on all sales after that, plus up to a 9% bonus on Personal Wholesale Volume based on rank and a 5% sales award when a monthly sales exceed 2,000 points in PRV. They may also earn leadership bonuses based on downline sales. Qualification for incentive trips is determined annually. For a detailed look at Scentsy’s compensation plan, including what the average Consultants earns, visit scentsy.com, click Join, then click Benefits. The average annual commission for a US consultant that was with Scentsy for all of 2022 was $2,275.90, while those that were with Scentsy for only part of the year averages $289.29. Incentive trip qualifications are determined annually. Approximately 1.5% of Consultants earn a trip each year.
Stephanie Dollar says
I didn’t feel like I had support when I was selling Scentsy. The person over me only reached out to me once and I asked for advice about getting orders and she never responded. I love Scentsy products and still use them.