Every year, we let customers and Consultants vote for their favorite retired fragrances The ones with the most votes are brought back for a limited time during our Bring Back My Bar (BBMB) promotion. It’s always a huge hit with…
Planning for a New Year: Get started on your New Year’s resolutions
Did you know that although 75 percent of New Year’s resolutions last through the first week of January, less than half make it past six months and only 8 percent reach the finish line? Even with the best intentions and…
Stress less holidays!
While the holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, nothing adds to the stress like crowded malls, icy roads, travel delays and overspending. Add to that the list of holiday preparations, meal planning, parties and…
Mix up your holiday fragrances!
When it comes to fragrance, every season reveals endless avenues of inspiration. But we have to admit to playing favorites when it comes to the holidays. There are just so many scents to capture, from fresh pine to indulgent desserts…
The BEST Cranberry Bread recipe. Ever.
Who doesn’t love holiday baking? It’s fun, plus you get to eat something yummy when you’re done. Win-win! The trick is finding the just-right recipes to share with your family and friends. Luckily, we’re here to help. Scentsy President Heidi…
You’re invited! Holiday fun in the Treasure Valley
Scentsy Commons, home of the Scentsy home offices in Meridian, Idaho, is decorated to the nines this holiday season. For starters, more than 26 miles of lights have been hand-wrapped among over 365 trees on campus. 26 miles! Try to…