Even if you changed the wax in your Scentsy Warmer EVERY DAY, you could go all summer long without repeating a single fragrance. And there are enough Scentsy Oils to keep you diffusing something new for a whole month. Pretty…
Instagram is changing
Do you use Instagram as a marketing tool for your business? Instagram has recently announced its plans to switch to an algorithmic timeline. That means its current chronological timeline is going the way of the dinosaur. This has some Instagramers,…
Exploring the Psychology of Color
Feeling blue. Green with envy. Seeing red. It’s no coincidence that we often use color to describe our emotions. Like fragrance, color can unlock a memory or evoke a certain mood. We’re drawn to it because it makes us FEEL….
Mother Knows Best
How to turn her words of wisdom into the perfect gift! There’s no one in the world quite like Mom. Why not say thanks for all her unique words of wisdom with a 100 percent custom Mother’s Day gift, made…
Explore Indigo
Finding inspiration in color and fragrance. I’m not the first person to be seduced by indigo. It’s a powerful pigment — one that’s been highly valued in the world’s religions and across cultures for hundreds of years. It has inspired…
Beat the April Showers
How to stay happy, motivated and dry — even in the rainy season. Spring is finally here! Birds are happily “twitterpated” and chirping, colorful flowers are bursting up out of the ground and we’re rhyming about those refreshing April showers…